demerit|demerits in English


[de·mer·it || diː'merɪt]

mark against a person for misconduct

Use "demerit|demerits" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demerit|demerits" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demerit|demerits", or refer to the context using the word "demerit|demerits" in the English Dictionary.

1. They might get a demerit.

2. TV has its merit and demerit.

3. Each man has his merits and demerits.

4. The committee are looking at the merits and demerits of the proposal.

5. The merits and demerits of this argument have been explored.

6. She got three demerits for lateness on this term's report.

7. You'll get three demerits if you're caught smoking on school grounds.

8. A gentleman never discusses the merits or demerits of a lady

9. What do you think about your merit and demerit? Can you give some example?

10. The paper analyzes the demerit of conventional reliability evaluation method of function substitute model ( FSM ).

11. Earning 37 demerit points in one year can mean the end of a job.

12. The merit of the RMB's rise is far in excess of its demerit for Chinese economy.

13. However, a most important feature of our browser covers the demerit of the speed performance.

14. With the particular merits and demerits of these proposals I am not here directly concerned.

15. You get demerits if you miss a meeting or come late to dinner without calling beforehand.

16. If this matter was known by the teachers in school, I would possibly get a demerit.

17. We sort of kept this demerit scoreboard for the last eight years,[] until we ran out of space.

18. They worked out a detailed ‘balance sheet’ whereby merits and demerits in one life are rewarded or punished in the next.

19. Three methods of data collecting in the gyro- orientation are discussed and the strongpoint and demerit of each method are analyzed.

20. There's no around the fact that this 7 - 0, high - arching assassin has two demerits on his N.

21. And Lord Hodson was concerned primarily with the substantive merits and demerits of the Bill, not with its legal technicalities.

22. The Cess is imposed on the supply of certain luxurious and demerit goods and services that attract 28 per cent GST

23. Holacracy vs Adhocracy Characteristics: While comparing Holacracy vs Adhocracy characterisitcs it is essential to consider the benefits and demerits of both the types of governments

24. A method in the improvement of current relay controls winding asynchronous motor starting circuit is put forward, and the merit, demerit of it are described in the paper.

25. Remitted 11 Bemisted 13 embruted 13 tributes 10 imbrutes 12 embrutes 12 buttered 11 diestrum 11 imbruted 13 muttered 11 mustered 11 trusteed 9 termites 10 timbered 13 debruise 11 tiredest 9 smuttier 10 bestride 11 bimester 12 embitter 12 bittered 11 bedtimes 13 demister 11 terbiums 12 emeritus 10 bistered 11 demerits 11 demurest 11 resubmit 12